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Context-Configuration for Servlet and Portlets

The jFastCGI Servlet and Portlet both support a variety of configuration options that are described below.

The examples given here always use the configuration for the servlet-configuration. The important parts are always the *init-param*eters. To use them with the portlets, just copy the corresponding parts to the portlet configuration.

Basic configuration - one connection / one target

Add the *server-address* init param to let the FastCGIServlet / FastCGIPortlet connect to exactly one host / port.


If you're server is running on IPv6, use this notation:


Doing fancy things: writing a custom ConnectionFactory

You may want to provide a more complex algorithm for creating and keeping the fastCGI tcp connections. You do this by creating your own ConnectionFactory. Just implement org.jfastcgi.api.ConnectionFactory and register it with the servlet/portlet like this:


Start & Stop FastCGI Processes

The servlet/portlet may optionally be responsible of the fastCGI process and start it for you if necessary. Just add the "start-executable" init parameter :

        <param-value>c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.2.6/php-cgi.exe -b6666</param-value>

Note that the lifecycle of the application is the same as the servlet/portlet. When the servlet/portlet is undeployed, the jFastCGI library will try to stop the program aggressively (by calling java.lang.Process.destroy() method).

Beware: There is currently no mechanism to restart the application if it crashes. You have to take care of this yourself and take appropriate precautions.

Filtering http headers

For security reasons, you might want to filter certain http headers that are present in the original request.


The filtered-headers parameter is a semicolon (the ";" character) separated list of the headers that WILL not be translated into parameters for the fastCGI process. In this example the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION parameters will be absent in requests passed to the target application.

Using several connections for the same app

If the fastCGI application accepts it, several host/port couples may be used to serve the pages. The FastCGI servlet/portlet will choose one of the provided address, and use the connection for serving the page.

This configuration is done by providing a semicolon-separated list of addresses to the servlet/portlet configuration :


Alternatively you can also put the different endpoints on multiple lines, like this


By default, the fastCGI connection that will be used to build a response is chosen randomly when a request arrives.